Man With Parkinsons... (2011)

I believe that any portrait or image of the body becomes a cultural site where the conflicting concerns of agency, representation and the viewers consumption interplay. I’m  interested in constructions of identity through movement and love the work of the ‘father of motion pictures’ - Eadweard Muybridge.

For these pictures I collaborated with Parkinsons sufferer Tim Andrews, using his involuntary movement alongside the Muybridge trope as a starting point to examine the idea of the inscription of identity on the photographed body, its methods, problems and possibilities.

(This work was first exhibited at the 'Cinematic' group show at Long White Cloud gallery, 2011. It forms part of Tim Andrews ongoing visual exploration of his identity through the eyes of invited photographers 'Over the Hill'). 

Man with Parkinsons... 


Man with Parkinsons... dancing
